Mar. 13, 2025

Informational Site Only

Company and Fruit Industry News

For the past 20 years we have pioneered the availability of exotic & tropical fruit purees and juice concentrates. Now we're introducing new advertisements, such as the banner above, that draw attention to innovative product  ideas. We have lots of suggestions for product usage. For example, we think that acai and banana combined with yogurt  and oats make for a terrific tasting and nutritional breakfast.  We also know that Coconut cream enhances the flavor of chocolate or mango ice creams. What about tamarind ice tea, tamarind sorbet or a soursop yogurt? We've tried them and they are splendid.  If you are trying to cut calories, use our coconut water concentrate at 60 brix. This  is not only cost beneficial but will add nutrition to your formula.  These are just some examples of the  kinds of messages we want to get across to our customers. We would like customers to think of iTi not only as a leader in making quality tropicals available in the market, but also a leader in providing creative ideas how to use these products

We just revamped our web site as well! You will still find all the useful industry tools such as brix tables, converters, weather updates including El Nino updates, travel information about countries we travel to and  fruit facts. However we also have a new exclusive customers only part. Here you will find more technical information as well as videos, slide shows, taped webinars, etc.  We also added more photos, more educational information, more news, and more tools! Please come check out our new website and take it for a test drive!  We’re always excited to read your suggestions and comments.


For more information about our company and product lines, please go to:   Also, for detailed information on samples and specifications please visit www.iTitropicalscom.  



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Copyright 2025, iTi Tropicals, Inc.
Fax: +1 609 482 4333